Together for a healthier life


Neo-Remontine (Turpentine Oral Liquid Veterinary)

Neo-Remontine (Turpentine Oral Liquid Veterinary) to treat bloat and chronic arthritis in horses, cows, and sheep.

Generic Name:

Turpentine oil

Dosage Form:

[Oral Liquid]





Indications of Neo-Remontine (Turpentine Oral Liquid Veterinary):

to treat bloat and chronic arthritis in horses, cows, and sheep.

Usage and dosage for Neo-Remontine (Turpentine Oral Liquid Veterinary):

Bloat treatment :
Horses and cows: 75 ml of the product is mixed with one litter of water and given by mouth.
Sheep:  30 ml of the product is mixed with 250 ml of water and given by mouth.
Chronic arthritis treatment: the container content is mixed with a similar amount of olive oil then the infected articulation is massaged well.
(shake well before use )


Each 1ml contains:
Turpentine oil0.5ml

Useful Info:

Bloat in animals

Rumen bloat, also known as bloat, is a disease affecting ruminants, characterized by an excessive volume of gas in the rumen. Rumen bloat may be primary, known as foamy bloat, or secondary, known as free gas bloat.

The food eaten by ruminants is fermented in the rumen by microbes. The fermentation process constantly produces these gases, most of which are expelled from the rumen by eructation (belching). Rumen bloat occurs when this gas becomes trapped in the rumen.

In foamy bloat (primary rumen bloat), gas produced by fermentation gets trapped within the fermenter in the rumen, causing a buildup of foam that cannot be released by burping.

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